Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 19 – The Scene That Made You Cry the Most

Got your tissues? Okay good.

I can think of a few selects scenes wher eIve cried with Doctor Who, but I've mentioned it before.
And its Def this one:
(Spoilers for just about every season ahead!)
End of series 4

Do I even have to explain?
I mean, the Doctor has lost all his companions and Donna.
The best one yet and he HAS to let her go.
It's almost worst when he doesnt cry.
I think I was bawling the entire end of that episode. So sad.

I'll list someothers...cause.
2. 10's regeneration.
He just breaks my heart in this.
3. End of series 2
I dont like rose that much. Like, I love her so much better with 9 and it just never hit me with their relationship, even when she gets 10's clone.
But this still deserves to be on the list. Because it is sad. and it did make me cry the first time watching it.
4. 9's Regeneration.
Because 9 is so goofy and nice and so so so in love with Rose and when you start to watch the this show from Series 1...omgosh. I knew Tennant was great before I watched and all. Already loved him but still. Regenerations are sad.
5. the end of Sound of Drums.
There was so much with what was going on. I was so freaked out.

I can think of others that made me tear up and such but most emotional for me? Yea.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 18 – Whatever Tickles Your Fancy


Todays is something cool Ive come across.
I listen to the nerdist podcast on itunes. its fun. I mean, there is kinf of frequent bad language and innuendos and the such but you get people like Craig Ferguson talking about Doctor Who.
Its just about nerdy stuff.

Well this is from the site.
One of the writers has started post a Doctor who thing and I will link the article titles.

Doctor Who for Newbies: The First Doctor
Doctor Who for Newbies: The Second Doctor
Doctor Who for Newbies: The Third Doctor
Doctor Who for Newbies: The Fourth Doctor
Doctor Who for Newbies: The Fifth Doctor

 also, have you heard the news?
The Doctor will not only be in America but is also now immortal.

Have your tissues for tomorrows post.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 17 – A Piece of Who-Related FanArt

Sorry Im such a bad poster.
Ive been busy and life is crazy.

I couldn't think of much for this one then I remmbered stuff my friend Emily posted.
She made a River song journal:
And a TARDIS canister type thing
More pictures here.

Tomorrow is fancy-tickling and I already know what Im gonna post.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 16 – Your Favorite Who-Related FanFic

I haven't read any FanFic for Doctor who.

I used to read FanFic for Harry Potter back iin the day before book 5 and 6 and sometimes I like reading ones about harry and giunny and ron and hermione and their togetherness, but I jsut cant read DW fanfic for some reason.

Maybe cause its all mostly Ten/Rose or Rose/Ten ll which I do not ship at all

(Rose/Nine People!!!)

Anyways. chyea.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 15 – Favorite Who-Related Tumblr

I just recently got a tumblr.

I put off this post and then was on muh tumblr and saw a post I liked.

Then I realized it might mean another account.

I really like this one:

It's a fun one to follow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 14 – The Villain Who Scared You the Most

And we continue on with the theme that the best villians are in my favourite episodes.

BTW, Im telling you now, its not Daleks. Just because the Doctor and Jack have issues with them..not me.
And not even Cybermen!
I know, right?

Anybody guessing?

Okay. I'll tell you.

The Vashta Nerada.
I dub you DW Nerd if you know off the top of your head which episodes they appear in
(If you dont - Silence In The Library/Forest of the Dead)

I know they scare me the most for two reasons.
1. Childhood fears.
Maybe its largely due to studying more pyschcology npw, but I've never really gotten over my fear of the dark.
And that's what this monster/villian is. Its dark and its shadow and it kills you so so quickly.

2. Circumstancial.
The day I watched these episodes I later went out with my college group and we played laser tag.

I watched two hours on these monsters that kill you in shadow and then I went and played in the dark.

Smart Amy.

Oh BTW, awesome site here that has directory of all the villians and mosters of Doctor who with their reasons for being a villian. I love it.

See you tomorrow. With tumblrness.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Doctor Who Meme - Day 13 – Your Favorite Villain

Okay I have two..three for this.
Because even though they are the villains that freak me out the most..they are most definitely the best.

1.The Clockwork Men

Okay maybe I just have love for this episode, but really even the Doctor likes them.
And also, I was watching one of the DW Confidentals for Season 5 and Moffat was was talking about the monsters he's written about and such and got to the point of, these are really the first monsters in Doctor Who that have been the monster-under-the-bed.

and really. When You're a kid, thats what scares you the most

2. The Weeping Angels
"Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and *don't blink*! Good luck." 
The scariest things ever.
The fact that you see statues everywhere in real life is what makes these even more bad-ass.
"Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels. The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss, they just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up and blown away in the blink of an eye. You die in the past, and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had, all your stolen moments. They're creatures of the abstract. They live off potential energy."

Doctor: [on the DVD] The Lonely Assassins, that's what they used to be called. No one quite knows where they came from, but they're as old as the Universe, or very nearly. And they have survived this long because they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. They are Quantum Locked. They don't exist when they are being observed. The moment they are seen by any other living creature they freeze into rock. No choice, it's a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn into stone. And you can't kill a stone. Of course, a stone can't kill you either, but then you turn your head away. Then you blink. Then, oh yes, it can.
Sally Sparrow: [to Larry, about a nearby statue] Don't take your eyes off that.
Doctor: [on the DVD] That's why they cover their eyes. They're not weeping, they can't risk looking at each other. Their greatest asset is their greatest curse. They can never be seen. Loneliest creatures in the Universe. And I'm sorry. I am very, very sorry. It's up to you now. 

*note* The two parter in Series 5 with them. SO FREAKED OUT.

3. The Master
Do I even need to say why?
Another Time Lord, a match for The Doctor.
I know he existed back from the Classic who days and I love how he fits into the storyline of New Who.
He's just..yea.