Merry Christmas.
What a phrase. What a day. What a meaning it's taken into todays world. So many kids grow up hearing about Santa and getting presents. Some get it all. Some get next to nothing. And less and less we hear the real story. WHY today is celebrated.
It's Jesus's Birthday. Anybody who's been to church just once knows that. And we celebrate because he is still alive. But more than that- because of what him being born did.
Here's how I see it--He lived to die.
Truly and really. He was born to a virgin--a virgin-- and led a perfect life. And then-Died for the sins of everybody else who had lived, was living, would live. He had none of his own and took on our own.
And what do we give back? Nothing sometimes. Sometimes Christmas becomes about the presents, the greed, the want, the selfishness, the stress.
And really that's not what its about at all.
It's about the joy we have and can experience. the freedom he gave us to be able to sin but still be with him when we repent. About the unfailing, unconditional, unselfish love that he pours into us day after day after day.
And as much as even i see it, the stress of times do get to me. And I just wish and pray so hard I could just shush my mind, my ever changing feelings and hear what god has to say.
This is a time of worship. Of celebration of the greatest person who ever lived-and still does live.
This is a time to just lay it all down, despite our circumstances-good or bad. He loves us.
No matter what.
Even if we ourselves are mad or angry or disgusted or sad or whatever with ourselves or friends or family- he loves us all equally. And more and more. Never less. always more.
Maybe we just need to remember that. That whole base of it. Why Christmas is here. because God loves us. So much. How much? He let his only son die. The most powerful, most high, God...let his son die so we could be with him.
So no matter how stressed or depressed or angry or whatever you are, just remember that.
Remember why. And lay it down at his feet.
Merry CHRISTmas everybody
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