Currently: watching House on Hulu, making a To-Do list and thinking about how busy I'll be this weekend.
Someone gave a really nice Journal for Christmas 08 and I haven't used it till now? What am I uing it for??
So far: Things I Want To Be, Ideas For Major, and a To-Do List with today's date. (not all to do today, just the first of what i expect to be many to-do lists.)
I missed yesterdays post cause my internet sucked and by the time I got on I didn't feel like rushing something when i had no inspiration.
And then I realized that after this post I only have one more for this month. It'll prolly be a wrap-up post on the whole posting for a month thing. Ive got like 10 million little ideas.
Honestly, Id love to keep posting at least 3/4 times a week, but it hit me earlier not only how busy I am this weekend (figuring out school stuff, two lunch meetings, 2 classes to teach, homework, reading, sleep? maybe) but how busy I'll be this semester.
I keep thinking I did the same stuff last semester but I keep comparing it in my head and for some reason it feels like Ive taken on more.
Im actually expecting a lot of things.
Like that Im gonna be sick on my upcoming Birthday.
-I was sick when I was 5. (My "party" was delayed two days and i pushed to have it with my parents worry about me eating the cake and keeping it down)
-I dont remember how or why but I know I was sick when I turned 10 (Pocahontas themed things that year. THAT I remember.)
-I was sick when I turned 15. Out of school a week and a half. My friends swear it was so no one could sing to me at school. (Also-the only time I ever got flowers-Bouquet of pink roses from my dad)
I expect to stress out a few times this semester.
I expect to hate time and the clock and constant rotation of scheduled things.
Can we just stop the clock for a little bit?
I mean..put in time to sleep or get those little tiny things done. (They add up the most y'know)
And not even all of it has dawned on me, everything I need to do. Its insane.
Didnt I just talk about time when the new year came?
About the craziness of a new year, new decade?
Oye. Its moment like these I feel old. And you have no idea how many I know are looking at the screen or at me and talking to me on the phone going "you are not on the other hand.." (or some variation of that.)
Anyways. Im starting to ramble and I reserve that for the letters I write to people.
Its 4 am. I have lists to write. Sleep to eventually see to.
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