Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A good grade feels more like relief these days.

Currently: supposed to be doing homework. But my brain is haywire and cannot focus.

Im doing good in school.
I had my reservations about this semester. About how Im taking more than I did last semester, and in subjects that were almost completely new to me.

Im pretty sure I freaked out the first month when I saw the syllabus's and all the papers and projects.

But in the last 24 hours I've felt better.

Last Tuesday I spent like 4 hours writing a paper for my Art class on this art show I had to go to. (I'd estimate around 1 hour of actually looking at the peices and taking notes on them.)
Got it back last night.
A. Got an A. My teacher left nice notes.

And we had a test last week. Got an 85% on the first test.
Got a 99% on the second test. EEE.

Its nice to know that all the time and work paid off but also made me realize-if I really want grades like that all the time in all my classes-I have to be working crazy hard like I did last week like..all the time.

I mean its good, but its just a lot.
I really do feel like a college kid.

But like a good grade is just like...a sigh of relief. To know I did and did it to extent im more or less "supposed to" do. I dunno.
Things Ive been doing have felt sub-pare or only half-done lately so its nice to know my teachers see that im working hard at all this.

Also-spent so much of last week working on a PowerPoint for Theater class. Was finally graded today-got my full 200 points for it.

And now..right now Im attempting to work on homework before winter camp this weekend.
I'm really excited for it and have this feeling it'll change me some. I dont know.
But I essentially have the next...45 or so hours till I leave to work on things.
I dont expect much sleep until spring break in 3 more weeks.

But. ahem. my homework load is a little more than I thought. So if I start to not blog or be online or something.
No, I did not fall off the face of the planet, Im just trying to not only pass my classes this semester but really get honest great grades like I used to and raise up my GPA.

And then finally-just thanks to anyways who's wished me luck, prayed for me, helped with anything.
I really really appreciate it.
Im just in that kind of season of my life at the moment.

All right. I have 20 minutes left at the library and then Im headed off to Chick-Fil-A or somewhere else with wireless to do more homework.
(Net at home is just yeck so ive been lugging the laptop all over town)

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