My Favorite New Series Episode
Because I like so much.
So. Top 5, yes?
This is gonna be image heavy. I kills your dial-up.
Also, River Song warning.
(okay, not really. I just like saying that)
5. Christmas Invasion
Tennant's first full episode as The Doctor.
And yes, he does spend like..most of it asleep, passed out.
But it's worth it when you get to the end and have him flirting with Rose, getting upset over not being ginger (again), quoting Lion
King, and saving the earth.
4. Vincent and The Doctor

I almost wanted to avoiding picking new series episode but...this one was so good.
It's an episode full my own love and biasness.
I mean, companion Amy gets to meet Vincent Van Gogh.
who of course likes her.
And it's more about a personal demon of depression than any real DW monster that we might usually get.
This was a beautiful moving story and it's...amazing. I love it so much.
3. The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances

Eccleston was a good Doctor. And this episode. Oh. So good.
You have Rose and the London Blitz and the introduction of Captian Jack Harkness.
Easily one of my favourite characters ever.
An sonic-y things and a banana!
And you know the best part of the episode right?
The Doctor said it himself.
"Everybody lives!"
2. The Girl In The Fireplace
Such a good episode.
I mean, first off, we get Mickey to com join Team TARDIS. which we all know makes Rose happy (even though she and The Doctor are well..inlovewitheachother. What? We all know it.)
And historical figure! Madame Du Pompadour.
And bananas. again.
Yes, I have some things in common with the Doctor. A love of bananas.
and and and, the Doctor gets snogged.
And don't we all just love it when The Doctor gets snogged?
oh yes.
Now, disclaimer.
Im not saying this next episode is my favourite one ever. That any of these are. Because there is so much good.
This is me looking at a list of the episodes and going oh yea.
that one was brilliant. fantastic.
so. here's my last one.
1. Silence in the Library/ Forest of the Dead
Yes, I like two-parts. How'd you figure that out?
So. Epicness in this one really.
You have Companion/Best Friend Donna.
A world that is basically a library.
And introduction of... River Song.
and oh yea. A monster killing team members that none of us can see.
This one actually honestly freaked me out.
I have a love hate relationship with River because...great character honestly.
But its like...she's slowing going to unravel the mystery of who The Doctor is and I like my Doctor mysterious thanks very much.
And Donna.
Donna is awesome and amazing. And it makes me sad that she lost her perfect man in this.
But The Doctor figures it...mostly out in the end.
And its so good.
(I honestly did not mean to leave out Series 3 and Martha in all this. I love Martha. She's amazing. Just felt that disclaimer needed top be added.)
And so that's that.
And I leave you...with advice.

..or at least his TARDIS.
I NEED to watch season 5 sometimes, so I can say that I love EVERY episode on this list (and not just the other four).