Currently: listening to miserabile visu {ex malo bonum} -Anberlin
(Note: I'm going to be straight about a couple things, so if this blogs offends, sorry.)
My brain made a connection today that it has needed to make for months now.
For a while I kept thinking about clean breaks. How clean breaks are easier to fix. How almost nothing in my life has been "easy" to "fix".
And then on the cruise, our speaker said that break-up's are just the kind of thing that don't clean up easy. It made sense.
He said something else.
Now before this, I'd learned in different relationships, bonds are made. Different bonds, different ways.
In marriage, one of those is sex. The bond made by that is the reason people shouldn't have sex before marriage. It makes it harder afterwards if you break up.
But the speaker on the cruise said something. It's not the sex, its the orgasm itself.
The way my brain has simply put and applied it to other things in my life-the happier it makes you, the harder it will to be let go.
It makes freakin sense. I get why now there were certain things and people I didnt care about when I let go of because they didn't necessarily have that much meaning in my life where as other things hurt me greatly.
The difference between really caring and not caring is huge.
Thats all I wanted to share. I'm spent. For a handful of reasons, today was mentally exhausting.
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