Sunday, January 31, 2010
It's the last day of the month.
So thoughts on the NaBloPoMo thing?
I mostly like it. Its fun and I like writing and sharing things.
The only stretch for me? Posting every single day. Sometimes Im too busy or tired and just dont have the inspiration, motivation.
But it got more thinking about what I do write, how I write, what I share.
Im thinking of doing like a scheadule thing. Maybe share a bunch of links one day a week, take a couple days off.
So I wrote all that yesterday and had to get offline with the intention of coming back and posting before going to bed.
iFail. (I do it ALOT).
I dont have much to add to what I already wrote.
I did sign up for the month of Feb for NaBloPoMo. I dont expect to post EVERY SINGLE DAY,
but we'll see.
The theme is ties. Ties to things. Hmm. This could be interesting.
Im more or less likely being connected to bigger group of bloggers.
Alrighty. Back to thy lives people.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Time rules my life some days
Someone gave a really nice Journal for Christmas 08 and I haven't used it till now? What am I uing it for??
So far: Things I Want To Be, Ideas For Major, and a To-Do List with today's date. (not all to do today, just the first of what i expect to be many to-do lists.)
I missed yesterdays post cause my internet sucked and by the time I got on I didn't feel like rushing something when i had no inspiration.
And then I realized that after this post I only have one more for this month. It'll prolly be a wrap-up post on the whole posting for a month thing. Ive got like 10 million little ideas.
Honestly, Id love to keep posting at least 3/4 times a week, but it hit me earlier not only how busy I am this weekend (figuring out school stuff, two lunch meetings, 2 classes to teach, homework, reading, sleep? maybe) but how busy I'll be this semester.
I keep thinking I did the same stuff last semester but I keep comparing it in my head and for some reason it feels like Ive taken on more.
Im actually expecting a lot of things.
Like that Im gonna be sick on my upcoming Birthday.
-I was sick when I was 5. (My "party" was delayed two days and i pushed to have it with my parents worry about me eating the cake and keeping it down)
-I dont remember how or why but I know I was sick when I turned 10 (Pocahontas themed things that year. THAT I remember.)
-I was sick when I turned 15. Out of school a week and a half. My friends swear it was so no one could sing to me at school. (Also-the only time I ever got flowers-Bouquet of pink roses from my dad)
I expect to stress out a few times this semester.
I expect to hate time and the clock and constant rotation of scheduled things.
Can we just stop the clock for a little bit?
I mean..put in time to sleep or get those little tiny things done. (They add up the most y'know)
And not even all of it has dawned on me, everything I need to do. Its insane.
Didnt I just talk about time when the new year came?
About the craziness of a new year, new decade?
Oye. Its moment like these I feel old. And you have no idea how many I know are looking at the screen or at me and talking to me on the phone going "you are not on the other hand.." (or some variation of that.)
Anyways. Im starting to ramble and I reserve that for the letters I write to people.
Its 4 am. I have lists to write. Sleep to eventually see to.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Best...(My own) Words.
How big and huge and important they are. How they impact us daily. Every hour second of every minute of hour of day of week of...
Words are huge.
Like in the Anne Jackson blog-it close to home for me because I got teased in Elemantary school.
Somedays Im still not sure why.
I mean I was this little nerdy girl with glasses who hung out with either guys or nobdy 90% of the time. And then I have this kind of infamous last name. It didnt help that while I was in Elemantary school this ketchup brand that my last name is close to came out with new brands of Ketchup providing much more nicknames for me.
Point is, I know how words can hurt. Heck. I taught about in Kids church just this much. How the "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" phrase isnt always true.
And that stuff when I was a kid. It doesnt hurt me now. I can for the most part brush it off.
But when you're 9, 10..and hitting puberty before anybody else?
Yea. I can safely say it impacted me.
But I know the good of words too.
I know, many times over, how it feels or what happens when you listen to a song and your heart responds to every line.
I know what happens when you go to church and pray and break down because the pastor or someone praying said a word or phrase that you needed to hear, that God wanted you to be there to hear it that day.
Words are big-receiving and giving. Having a little brother, Ive learned when I go far.
Having friends who are girls-Ive learned it.
In middle school, I started to loathe drama and realized painfully in High School how it was created by spoken rumors just spun out of control-and of course spoken by word of mouth over and over and over.
But its not like we can close our ears to not words, not close our mouths to not say them. It is an essential human thing.
Jon foreman wrote how when you say word and an image comes to mind, it is a placeholder.
If I said brownie-is it not an image of your favorite kind in your head? Not the word itself?
Maybe Im finding the writer in myself but Jon's paragraph struck me so deep and true.
I don't write songs when I'm happy. When I'm content, I take my wife out to dinner, I go surfing. I hang out with my friends and play ridiculous cover tunes when I'm happy. But when I'm depressed, I turn to look for something beyond this life. When I'm lonely and nothing makes sense and the world has lost it's flavor I search for notes and words that usher in a transcendence that soars high above the tragedy. I look for to song to understand the present tragedy in the context of a hope for a better world. I look for words that remind me of a bigger story, for songs that acknowledge the tragedy and move beyond it. I look to artists who give me windows, words that provide for a new life to be birthed within me.I bolded out what hit me most.
Is it escape? Is it a coping mechanism? Maybe a bit, but I feel that it is much more than that. The song becomes a hopeful defiance. A declaration that the injustices and absurdities of our postmodern existence are not the final downbeat. Music becomes a confession of disbelief in the world that surrounds me. A refusal to believe that these tragedies and horrors are the ultimate end. A refusal to accept the oppression of the Dalit's as anything other than tragic. A nonacceptance that the starving six year old is anything other than tragic. The song is written in defense of a world beyond this one, in defense of Truths that seldom make it to the front page of the newspaper. Words create worlds.
Words are so big. We need to eb careful how we use them. The world needs it. We need it. You AND me.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
But I read two blogs back to back the other night, both on the power of words. So Im sharing them.
The first is by Anne Jackson. Its on the power of words and it def hit home for me.
Read the rest here.For most of my life, I’ve been an extremely sensitive person. I also had a terribly awkward last name growing up, so it was easy to make fun of the goofy girl with big teeth and big eyes and a funny last name.
I spent a lot of my elementary school days crying alone in my room, brooding on whatever harsh words were spoken to me by my classmates.
In high school, I grew out of the big teeth (I actually quite like my teeth now), and found myself in academics and sports. I was in the National Honor Society, was identified by the Duke University talented program in the seventh grade, aced my honors classes, and excelled at basketball. Our family settled into Abilene for a few years while I was in high school and I made good friends that I still adore today. I didn’t get made fun of much then, or as I blossomed into an adult and into a couple of different careers.
My mom always prayed that I would have a sensitive heart, and now as I share it in a world where thousands can read and voice their own opinion, my skin has become soft again.
Words move me in dramatic ways – both positive, and negative.
And the second is by Jon Foreman.
He wrote a third article for the Huffington Post. Maybe its cause he's one of my heros of sorts and I try to write in a similar manner but it also struck a few chords with me.
Communication is a pregnancy of sorts. In a speaker's mind, a thought is conceived, then spoken, heard, and then ultimately gives birth to new thought in the listener's mental landscape. For example, when I say "tree," a picture builds in your imagination, a new life-form within your mind; a platonic idea of oak or maple appears out of nothing within your thoughts. This mental icon represents your understanding of the word. (Incidentally, this apprehension is independent of the speaker's intentions).Read the rest here.
In many ways, words are metaphors pointing to the objects they represent. The word "tree" is not a tree; it is simply a placeholder for the real thing. Our understanding of the world is built upon a deeper set of presuppositions. Meaning demands meaning. Reason demands reason: 1+1=2, only when we agree upon the meaning of these symbols. The same is true for words. Words are our framework of meaning. Every one is a metaphor reaching to something beyond it's simple spelling and articulation.
The first two blogs on Huffington are also here and here.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Let me 'splain somethin to you...
iFail. I fail at a lot but I didnt think trying to write everyday would be one of them.
But! I have reasons for missing these past two days (I say two because its already technically Tuesday here.)
Sunday-literally.No sleep. Like I have this bad habit sometime son Sundays and this Sunday in my afternoon bwtn church and lunch and and church again, I pretty much napped. Well actually, I had a phone call, and just laid down in bed and listened and yawned and rested a lot during that phone call. ahaha. And when I got home. Well. It was late so im pretty much ate and then went to bed.
Monday-My net just pooped out on me. I tried to make blogger load earlier and my pages and web browser and net just did not like me. Oh wells.
Well I actually didnt have much to post about.
Although, I start school tomorrow(or tonight, technically). I have Intro to Art tomorrow night and I plan on going early to school so I can look at textbooks (procrastinate much? Maybe...) and do my health lab intro thing.
Im fairly excited about this semester. :)
okay, well Im out.Ive still got stuff to check and its very late and chyea.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Naturally Crazy.
The formspring thing entertains me. But for todays post, I got asked this the other day:
Is your hair naturally curly?
Very. Its naturally crazy.
I thought it was funny. Well anyways, it was like that day that I had dont nothing to my h**r. I normally wash, comb, brush and gel it back a little before putting it up. But that I washed it, put it in a clip and let it frizz to its naturalness for the next 24 hours or so.
So I took pictures.
I wish I had taken pictures again later cause I had been standing in the rain and my h**r looked even crazier but chyea. anyways.
And if you dont know why Im treating h**r like a curse word...its a Switchfoot thing.
I try to make faces. It comes out horrible.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Dangit I did it again.
I dont wanna write my what Ive thought about NaBloPoMo thing yet, cause I have a few more days to go but Ive completely forgotten the ten million ideas that have been bouncing around in my head.
So. For now. Enjoy the newest Switchfoot podcast. In case you havent seen it yet.
I love the song in the background. And while I dont surf, I love watching it.
It might be my favorite one yet. I dunno. Heh.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hokay. Uploading and posting a couple pictures. Of the ripples in water puddles from all the rain we've had, how gloomy the sky looks and...thunder? Lightning? Oh yes. And videos to come. :)
And finally. My flash was off.
There was thunder and lightning. I took so many shots to get lucky on this one. Enjoy . :)
(If you cant see the pictures, they are HERE.)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Best...Semester. (Hopefully!) (Spring semester school schedule)
Okay. So after alot of hassle (and me breaking down for a few minutes last night on the phone with someone), I have my spring classes figured out!
Im NOT switching schools, as I have things to work out, but it'll most likely happen next semester.
Anyway. Schedule.
-Introduction to Art on Tuesday nights
-Principles of Health on Monday nights (which includes having to take the lab at my school's Wellness Center. Oh yay. Yes, I get to work out for a grade. Heheh...)
(oh yay I have attend orientation to know how to use. and the class is a late-start class...)
-Introduction to Theatre online
-Trigonometry online
So. there it is. Im not quite sure how I feel about it all but dont want to think about it too much.
Just thought some of you might like to know. :)
HOKAY. I have letters to write. And pictures to edit. And videos to upload.
Basically ten million personal things Ive procrastinated on for a couple months.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Okay. I know I promised pictures of rain, but im making it goal to get school stuff done before I do that so, here's the thing.
I have this formspring thing.
And people ask em questions. So for todays post. Im just copying and pasting a few questions ive been asked and what I answered. I know. But Im busy and kind of need to focus on other things. But im still posting every day! (Except for those two...heheh)
Who inspires you the most?
Way too many people. But Jon Foreman, Stephen Christian (sp?) are a couple. My boardies friends, and kids. Kids ALWAYS inspire me.
Why is your name Amy?
Because (I kid you not) My mom was told my God her first child would be a girl named Amy. (or something along those lines)
Does your cello have a name?
It does not. Ive had it two yrs and have not named it. Although I will refer to it as my "wooden baby".
What's your favorite thing about playing the cello?
Oh sheesh. Lots of things but for me personally-its kind of connection. When I play I just flow into it and tend to put everything into playing. Playing just takes me somewhere nothing else does.
Is there any other place in the world you'd like to live in?
Definitely! Problem is, I want to see and live everywhere.
What was your favorite toy as a child?
Books! I was totally all about listening to my cassete tapes and reading books. My playdoh dried out and what barbies I had lost many-a shoes.
what was your favorite childhood book?
After seriously thinking, cause I read a lot and forget some, Narnia books. They stuck with me the most from my dad reading them to me to me reading them and wondering "colour" was. Haha.
Favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Hashbrowns, eggs over medium and country fried steak. YUM!
Monday, January 18, 2010
The rain brings things...
So I joked a lot with some friends that they should send me snow even if it would be rain by the time it got here.
So I was happy when the weatherpeople said yes, we're getting lots of storms and lots of rain this week. (although I dont like the weatherman after the rain comes. I get that there's possibilities of thinks like mudslides and stuff, but stop complaining! Just enjoy our God given nature. I do.)
but like Ive said before, the rain always brings things.
Like my cat. He's been out almost all weekend came in today soaked and with a "owwie" on his head. And still-after eating, being petted, and getting dry, wants to go back out. crazy thing.
and school. Ive been thinking about switching schools and I found my password for the other community college close to me and called my friend to see if we could get the same classes. Ive still got ten little tiny details to work out, but I'll be doing all that this week.
My grandma leaves tomorrow. As we're getting the end tails of these huge storms, Im praying she makes it back to Portland safe. (She's going on train.)
Oh. And last night. I just had one girl in my class so while she did memory stuff I was able to sort through my papers and class materials and such.
I took some lovely pictures of rain puddles and ripples today. But those are for another day.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Best...Friends and Boardies
You know who you are. :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Best....Movies. Well a couple good movies. And this Podcast.
I went to the movies last night.
Well cause my grandma's here visiting. And she's big on going to the movie theater and getting popcorn and all that.
SO. Her, my parents and brother and I went to see The Book of Eli.
It was good. It was really good.
Im going to try and give a small review of it with no/little spoilers.
Well, its Rated R, which I didnt know. Cause the "bad guys"..they do drop the "f bomb" and s word a few times and there is fighting with knives and guns and blood and chyea.
There were points I closed my eyes.
Uhm. But the main character? Loved him.
The story itself, the plot is great. Not that Im super into awards or anything, but I could see the movie at least being nominated for something down the road. well, if it gets enough attention.
Oh. And Mila Kunis is in it and at first I thought. Okay action movie. She's on of the few handful of girla actually in the movie. And yea that was true. BUT. She ends up playing this really nice role and..
I have to say..There's a point in the movie where her character just flips things around. And from that point on..the whole movie just goes in this direction you almost never thought would happen. It was really good. :)
Im not sure what else to say other than go see it. I really really liked it. It'll be hard to top this one for me this year. Heh.
Okay. Thats over.
(The movie last night is why I didnt post yesterday, got home super late.)
Oh. And then today my cousin and his girlfriend came down and after lunch we rented a couple movies and watched Up together.
Ah. I adore Up
"I have just met you, and I love you"
Oh yea. My mom hadnt seen it yet, so that was nice.
Last thing.
New Podcast.
In...I dont even know how many months. Heh.
So highlarious. Back with full epicness. Just watch. You'll laugh. trust me.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Continuing on with the cello theme...
It reminds me of Zoe Keating. I love it so so much.
I maybe want to be that kind of Cellist someday.
Ah. Anyways. Not much else.
My heart hurts for Haiti. A lot. Be sure to pray for them and donate if you can. Remember-most charities make their bulk through little donations. Anything helps.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I miss it. So im going to change it.
I dont necessarily feel like posting.
Its getting to be a bit of obligation almost.
I dunno.
OH. Anyways.
I got one of these formspring things. ( where you can ask people random questions
Maybe its cause I post it mainly on my twitter, but I got a few cello questions and it makes me realize how much I really miss playing.
So Ive decided. The minute I have a job, Im buying sheet music. Im looking for good cello solo stuff, buying it and practicing and then I dunno.
Youtube a couple songs for my boardie friends maybe.
Maybe work out something with a couple close friends who also play instruments.
The sheet music Ive wanted forever?? John Tavener: Chant For Cello
I swear everytime I check it, the price goes down (Just taunting me...)
And then there's this piece.
My boardies friends showed it to me one week and I have no idea how I'll find the music but someday I will.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Im just gonna say it.
ALL I have to say is.
Team Ferguson.
Thank you and G'night.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Best...Show? Yes again. Castle/Firefly
I really didn't have anything hugely important to post about about.
But why not mention Castle? Its one of those shows where I only started watching cause my mom does and i love the main actor.
He was Dr.Horrible and Firefly.
Wow. Six months I had just heard of shows. Now I love love love them.
Like..oh. The Halloween episode of castle
Opening scene.
[Music similar to the Firefly theme is playing. Castle enters dressed in a "Browncoat"-like outfit]
Alexis: What exactly are you supposed to be?
Richard Castle: Space cowboy.
Alexis: Ok, A: there are no cows in space. B: didn't you wear that like five years ago?
Richard Castle: So?
Alexis: So, don't you think you should move on?
Richard Castle: I like it.
*dies* I wish I could find a picture. He was wearing the same outfit he wore in Firefly.
Hm. I have some Firefly espisodes in my Hulu que. Rewatching? yes yes yes.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Take it to heart.
I dont think I could ever list every reason why Ive come to love teaching childrens church but I found another today.
I can take it all to heart.
The fact that the kids WANT to pray for each other, that they KNOW God is great and amazing.
They have such amazing faith.
I think we reverse grow in faith. We live in copious amounts of it at that young age and then go back trying to have the child faith again.
But mostly, that I can take what Im teaching to heart.
Regardless that Im the teacher and teaching and *should* know all this.
Regardless that its the simple stuff.
Its the stuff that we need to hear.
I feel like a sponge teaching. Soaking it up and squeezing and pouring it back out onto the kids.
Thank you God.
Listening for voices, but it's the choices that make us who we are
Go your own way, even seasons have changed just burn those new leaves over
So self-absorbed you've seemed to ignore the prayers that have already come about
This is the correlation of salvation and love
Don't drop your arms
Don't drop your arms, I'll guard your heart
With quiet words I'll lead you in
La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la
La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la
Backing away from the problem of pain you never had a home
You've been misguided, you're hiding in shadows for so very long
Don't you believe that you've been deceived? that you're no better than...
The hair in your eyes, it never disguised what you're really thinking of
This is the correlation of salvation and love
Don't drop your arms
Don't drop your arms, I'll guard your heart
With quiet words I'll lead you in
This is the correlation of salvation and love
(Don't drop your arms)
Don't drop your arms, I'll guard your heart
With quiet words I'll lead you in
You're so brilliant, don't soon forget
You're so brilliant, grace marks your heart
You're so brilliant, don't soon forget
You're so brilliant, grace marks your heart
You're so brilliant (This is the correlation)
Don't soon forget (Between salvation and love, don't drop your arms)
You're so brilliant (I'll guard your heart)
Grace marked your heart (With quiet words I'll lead you in and out of the dark)
La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la
Don't drop your arms
La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la
This is the correlation of salvation and love (La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la)
(Don't drop your arms)
Don't drop your arms, I'll guard your heart (La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la)
With quiet words I'll lead you in
This is the correlation of salvation and love (La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la)
(Don't drop your arms)
Don't drop your arms, I'll guard your heart (La lalalala, la la la, la lala, la)
With quiet words I'll lead you in
The Unwinding Cable Car-Anberlin
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I think I have maybe possibly decided something.
Before you laugh, YES, I dont know how. I freaked out when I was 10 and the training well was bent on my bike.
This may or may not not have been inspired by Queen's Bicycle Race.
Note: I actually DO like star wars. But Jaws is still not my scene.
Friday, January 8, 2010
I like being me just for me.
My hair is messy.
My face looks gross. I just read this blog and it makes me wonder what others would think if i started wearing make-up daily again. Some days I dont even do my hair, just let it flow and be its natural craziness.
Ive been in my pjs all day long and it makes me feel unmotivated and lazy. I have nothing to do.
I want to keep just reading and writing and sleeping and hiding in my little cocoon when I need to start preparing for school in a couple weeks.
A new semester. Another chance to be better.
I didnt post yesterday because..why? I tend to not write till late and went to college group. came back home late and couldnt get myself to write for anyone but myself till 1 am.
These feel like hard days ahead. Im not sure why. But it doesnt freak me out anymore.
I know Im ready for whatever, that God prepares me for everything. I'll work it all out in time. He'll let me know on his time.
I think this year is going to bring change. And I feel like Im going to get more of certain kinds of it than I have before in the past.
but right now? Right now Im going to look at classes and listen to music and wait for Craig Ferguson to be on.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Best...Show? Maybe.
I almost forget to post today. *dies*
It was a chill day. I stayed up late reading, slept in, finished re-reading my book, took a shower and slowly made my way through checking e-mail and such.
So..thinking of a topic and I remembered this link that my friend posted.
"Everything you need to know about lost in 8:15"
*dies again* I cant believe the last season starts next month. I, for one, am not quite sure we will still be able to understand everything at the end of it. Like the Lemony Snicket books y'know?
You have ten million questions throughout the ENTIRE series and finally, finally, last book comes out.
More freakin questions than ever before. heheh.
Well, we shall see. Won't we?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Okay. The theme for the month long thing is Best.
So. Yes. Here we go.
Best Band? Switchfoot.
Im not even going to try and prove my case to you all (considering most of you already also have them as your fav band...) but am going to tell you this.
Job (from and Jeanna ( are running the old Footsoldiers again.
So. To get involved. Twitter. -
Youtube. -
Right now theyre trying to get More and more people to become fans of Switchfoot's facebook page and if you're my friend and arnt, Ive sent you an inv (I dont spam like this normally promise.)
Well, that's all.
Spread the word! :D
Monday, January 4, 2010
Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing..
Just remembered how much I love this song. The video of it is great too. And the artist. He's got a great voice. Need a CD or two of his.
That you believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
But Lord knows that this world is cruel
And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning loving somebody don't make them love you
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
I sing ya songs I dance a dance
I gave ya friends all a chance
Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you
And maybe you been through this before
But its my first time
So please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But its not my scene
Wont this plot not twist?
I've had enough mystery.
Keep building me up, then shooting me down
Well im already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Well if I was in your position
Id put down all my ammunition
I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
No I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool, foool
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
Sunday, January 3, 2010
"Who would not like you?"
Today was good. Today was church and teaching kid's church and ahhhh I adore those children.
I always forget. I get two months off to work Media and sit in the sermons and I FORGET. And then I show up and they are cutecutecute and I fall right back in love with them.
I dont know what it was about today but I decided to be silly and made them laugh while I told the story of wise man and foolish who built there houses on the rock and sand.
The theme of the lesson? Jesus is our rock. Our foundation and cornerstone is him.
HEH. This next five weeks is body-themed so it talked about skeletons and I got to sit and play with playdoh for the half the lesson. (You know you're jealous.)
OH. I totally forget what I was talking about (cause I ask the kids how their weeks were and stuff before I get into teaching and then today we had a small distraction (spider in the room. really. it's not going to eat you little ones)), but one of the kids said
"Who would not like you?"
TOTAL awwwww moment. Love it.
Oh right. I prayed with. ^_^. I love that they WANT to pray and volunteer to pray for everyone.
Eee. Thats it for todays post. Im totally dead-tired even after a very long nap and Im getting this post in at the last moment. Not intentional. Just woke up latelatelate.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Resolutions? More just rambling thoughts
I *meant* to post this as my first Jan post yesterday but got "Dare You To Move" stuck in my head and well, went off on a slight tangent.
okay. Here's the thing. I dont really do real resolutions. I think about doing something, whether or not it would be good, howd it turn out, what would happen, etc.
I heard/read once that the best way to keep a New year's resolution is to start it beforehand and just keep it going after.
I only have one real big thing on my mind and it's writing. I want to write more, write better. And Im not talking about just blogging here and sharing stuff with all but also writing more of my own stuff, which lately HAS been happening which Im happy about and excited about.
Ive got other little things like thinking about exercising in my apartments exercise room a n hour a day. Mostly to catch a show Ive missed and dont get anymore, but hey-motivation to work out, right?
I should add stuff like get a job and try to procrastinate less.
I have been working on getting a job. Am still. Its just the slow process of filling out 20 apps and waiting for one phone call and hoping its the right job that sticks.
Procrastinating? Well....we will see.
I mean, I have three weeks till spring semester starts. heheh.
Alright. Ive got to get back to trying to download/print my teaching lesson for kids church tomorrow.
Welcome to the planet...
(Here's to day 1 of posting for an entire month. Yes I procrastinated till last min)
I couldnt help but think of "Welcome" songs today. I mean, we rejoice and celebrate and all of this when we have a new king of life- a recovery, a person, an animal, something.
And now we have this new year.
And it seems like everyone is welcoming it. Its not that 2009 was a horribly bad year for year, but in some ways, its been harder than most.
But thats good sometimes.
The more we struggle, the more we see how strong we are.
We get pushed past our breaking points.
We think that we lose hope only to take one ,more step and fall into entire oceans of it.
The lonelier we become, the more we reach out to others around us to pull together.
I want this year to be something like that. I want to find something extraordinary in our everyday life.
I mean, why shouldnt we?
Ive seen the craziest things happen, Like Stuff Christians Like getting people to donate $60,000 to build two schools in Vietnam despite us being in a horrible recession.
I feel hope and change for this year. And not the kind that Obama talked about and promised.
But the kind that comes form ourselves. the kind that comes from God alone. Our own hope. Our own change. Our lives, powers, freedoms, experiences.
Welcome 2010.