Friday, April 17, 2009

Fight or Flight. / The Near-Off Romance

(New song posted on my other blog: The Near-Off Romance)

I'm sure everybody has heard of it.
The whole Fight or Flight things.
Stand up to your fear or enemy or thing in your life. Or fly away and run from it.

But how present is it in our lives?
For me-I always notice it. Maybe cause for a long time I always fought. I was just about fearless as a kid. It wasn't even until my puberty has started to finish off that I was more of a teenager.

I wasn't afraid and would fight given the right reason. a good reason.

But mix in fear and I ran. And lately, I've grown up in my own. I can now sit and see my situation and know-Am I standing here fighting..or am I letting the nerves in my legs hide me again?

People have told me they've seen as someone on the run before. It's a look that can't really be described, just known by those who don't want to be where they are in their lives.

Is other alternative really only to fight?
But not the way we think.

I fight with myself and with change a lot. and Ive fought for horribly wrong reasons. I've been the last person on the battlefield up against a army saying-we can still win.
I've been horribly wounded because of it. Maybe it was those wounds that made me want to hide-to fly-to not face things.
I always hated sitting with the medics waiting to be patched up and fully healed.

Thing is-maybe we shouldn't fly away-but we don't have to fight. We have God on our side.
Our battles--are his battles.

Yet it's so hard for us to sit there and say to him "Hey-can you help me with this?" to let go of it and just give it p to him.
Yes-letting go of anything is hard.

But would you really rather hide away in the dark listening to battle go on and on?
Or be in the front lines, completely protected? Knowing that it will be won.

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