Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It really isn't THAT complicated.

I was browsing around online and between finding and getting more cello music and squeeing over Doctor Who finale things, I kept stumbling across people's facebooks and seeing that relationship status.
"Its complicated"

And...I had to laugh.
Which is probably mean of me. I mean, my own relationship is complicated in its own various ways.

But..thats the point, all of our relationships, even our non-romantic ones, are complicated in one form or another.

Do we all just walk around going "oh. its complicated. you wouldnt get it". NO.

But it just makes me laugh is so..simple.
We live. we love.
The whole point of life is to love and serve God and thats just so simple.

The way god designed it.
But we are SO human and we just..complicate things.
Oh yes, its us who mess it all up.

But my real point? You relationship is not THAT complicated.
At more than anybody else's.

Maybe its a just a combination o us saying friends are our siblings and jokingly being married to one of them or something.
Maybe its just laziness.

But its something that irks me because..we're the one's who complicate it.

Most things in life are so easy and simple and we just assume something or do something one way or the other and things just get...complicated.
Oh that word.

Okay Im done now.

(And now to about boyfriend and I. Probably in a way that isnt right since I should tell people in person. OH WELLS. Its complicated because we're long distance and met online originally. But I dont focus on that. We've meet in person and work hard at staying together. I only focus on that fact that we are together and are good together and love each other. SO THERE.)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Oi vey.

I have been saying Oi.
A lot.

And while at first I thought it was from talking to certain friends, I also realized it couldv'e been from watching Doctor Who.

But honestly, esp this morning, I had multiple Oi moments.

First off.
I got sunburned at the Bro-Am Saturday. Nothing I havent dealt with before but it hurts and its just..bleh.
My mom was putting aloe/burn stuff on me this morning and shes all "oh no. there are blisters. this is third degree sunburn"

Cause thats JUST what I wanted to hear.

My friend procrastinated on buying tickets for Comic-Con or finding a way to get in for free.
And more tickets were posted today but he had work and was calling me, having me sit here and trying to figure it out.
I could not figure it out.
I was looking at wrong things and then it said it was sold out and just...

In the end, I was able to buy his pass for it and all but..Oi oi.

Anberlin has an album coming out in September.
They posted a new song/video early today on twitter.
And the twitvid wouldnt work for me.
I think I was literally saying "OI!" to the computer every five minutes.

In the end, yes it got resolved. The thing finally let me login and watch it and then someone was nice enough to post it on youtube.

so, in short.
My new favorite word is Oi.
and while a lot of things this morning started out frustrating and bad..some good has come back with it.

Well...not the sunburn. not yet. It should tan over soon.

Whats your favorite word?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What I have been doing, What I am going to do

I know I havent been here lately much.

Ive been busy.

But Ive been having fun.

And in the past, these fun times and stories that I have tot tell would be written here.
But they are stories to be told in person, to be written in letters and books, to be passed on word of mouth.

I guess Im taking the same route that Anne Jackson is taking.
Be quiet.

Contemplating a lot on my own life and seeing how its changing, where its going exactly.

Because honestly, it feels like its changing route every week now.

Part of me wishes I knew where I'll be in the few months of my life, where I'm headed...

..but I also like the flexibility and unexpectedness of it.
I am completely trusting God lately.
Doing what I know in my heart is right.
Doing my best to follow what I should be doing.

I will tell you what Im doing this weekend.
Switchfoot is playing at the Del Mar Fair tomorrow and then they have their Bro-Am on Saturday.
I work the merch tomorrow.

Y'all should follow for the weekends events.
(cause there is also and Auction on Friday and afterparty later on Saturday)

Course. There is always on my own twitter account too. :D

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My stomach is...

Thank goodness I know what foods I can keep down when Im feeling sick.

Taking an easy day. Not really eating and resting and then off to college group where I think..I think..we're going laser tagging.
I think.

It was bowling earlier and im really easily confused.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life Inspires me.

Im going to the beach tomorrow.

But for now. Enjoying some tweets/quotes Ive been collecting.
Oh, I also changed the layour on blog. ISNT IT PRETTY?????

"Do you not know that our soul is composed of harmony?" -Leonardo da Vinci

"My heart is in motion for the rhythm inside you"

"I think of myself as more of a lover rather than a fighter, but sometimes you have to fight for what you love." - Jon Foreman.

Long live the dark horses.

"It's a strange consolation - In our dizzy and breathless race for happiness, to find that you will never outrun the horizon."

Love helps to make us generous and courageous, it
opens our eyes not only to the beauty of the beloved but to all beauty - C.S.Lewis

I thought I had more.
But thats it for now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

“It’s when I’m standing six feet away from you and not being able to find the words to tell you how much I love you and how much I miss you that I want to just scream to the whole room that I’m still in love with you. It’s when I’m sitting alone with the phone in my hand dialing your number and hanging up that I would trade a thousand tomorrows for just one yesterday. Then I could just call you to tell you goodnight. It’s when I am really sad about something and need someone to talk to that I realize you’re the only one who really knew me at all. It’s when I cry myself to sleep at night and it hits me how much I would give to hold you at that very moment.
It’s when I think about you that I realize no one else in the world is meant for me
From here.

“You are in some songs that still get played on the radio when the DJ is feeling nostalgic.
You are in a book you once lent me (never returned) with yellowed pages.
You are in trees when I touch them, even ones without names carved into them.
You are in the way someone on the street laughs as I pass them.
You are in a box I keep filled with letters.
You are in a ring I no longer wear.
And, every day, you each get a moment to haunt me.” ~I Wrote This For You

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Home is a concept.

I think for every thousands of people that want out of where they are and into California,
there is at least one Californian who wants out.

I am that Californian.

I cant even really explain it.
Not in ways that make sense.

It could always be as simple as I've been in the same city since I was 3, the same county my entire life, I have that traveling itch, that wanderlust, and just...out.

And that I spent three weeks away from home. Two in Ohio with a best friend and family and one week kind of close to home with my boyfriend.

The more time I spend away from home, the less I miss it.
The less it becomes home in my heart.

Only in Church or near the ocean or in the rain or while flying do I feel home.
When Im close to God.
In my own personal way.

This is not to say I dont love my life.
I do. I have a great life. And Ive had great experiences. Both here and many other places.

But my life is changing and I know that my home will change with that.
To where and when I dont know yet. I just do know that it will.