Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free concert and what Q-Tips really are.

“Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.~Groucho Marx

Today was fairly low key.
I paid some school fees, bought a textbook (okay my mom paid for this. THANKS MOM), and then downloaded things.

And my best friend T (yes, I am going to refer to him as T) texted me.
One of our favourite bands, Apocalyptica, had a concert in St. Louis tonight and it was to be streamed live online.
For free.

So tonight, I got to spend an hour watching them perform and squeeing over their cellos and hair. (and tattoos...)

Other than that? I got nothing.
Wanted to get in one last post for August.

OH. Here.
9 bits of Q-tip trivia and a question.
1. Q-tips were invented by Leo Gerstenzang in the 1920′s.
2. He started the “Leo Gerstenzang Infant Novelty Company” to sell his new product…
6. Eventually Gerstenzang changed the name to “Q-tip Baby Gays.”
7. The Q stands for quality, which is a pretty boring explanation, if you ask me.
8. He later dropped the “Baby Gays.”
Now, one question:
Can you think of any other product that says on the packaging to not use it in the way that most everybody will?

I mean. Seriously now. We all do it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I like baseball, yes I do.

Holy Shmokes its almost September.

I'm glad Ive got a few of you excited for this thing I'm starting on Wed.
I think it's gonna be pretty awesome.

I wanted to write a post about the baseball game I went to on Thursday.
And post my pictures.

But I'm too lame and busy to actually get my pictures uploaded. (I know, I know!)

And even though we lost, it was a good game.
I mean..we had a grand slam. Pretty frickin awesome.

And besides, Padres are still #1 in the league right now.

I smell World Series....

Friday, August 27, 2010

There's something in the water...

"..that makes me love you like I do"
: freaking ecstatic

So, this week, in short, was kind of hellish.
I had my classes 90% figured out last week and was hoping on good things.
It all fell apart Monday.
And right up until this morning, it's been a slow decline.

So I came back home from trying to crash a class and "napped"
Napping turned into staying curled up in bed all day.
Sign of my week? Maybe.

But I woke up..checked my e-mail...and it's all worked out.
Thank you God.

I have all the credits I need and there are no waiting lists and YAY.

So this weekend I'll start making schedules for myself for the semester and such and Ima make one for this blog.

But since I've been such a lamo at writing this month, I had an idea.

Im going to do a 30 day challenge type thing.
A meme.
A month of...Doctor Who.

So starting on Sept. So ... Wed? Yea.

Alrighty boys and girls. Be excited.
I am.

Life is good. Hope is good. Prayers work.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Go if you want to go

Currently: playing Go - Manchester Orchestra
Even though I still use it and check on it, I've decided I really don't like Formspring.

I mean.
Okay, pointless surveys and questions are fine.
Esp back when you answered 50 of them and then just posted it on myspace for 10 your friends to fill out when they couldn't sleep that weekend.

But formspring?
Okay, most people I know on there are nice, but I've seen some friends get called ugly stuff for not answering a question simply cause they didn't want to.
Uhm...excuse me?

So..so dumb.


That's all I really had.
I should update on my life but it's too full and busy to really have time to outline...everything.

I'll figure it our soon enough.


Monday, August 23, 2010

and plans go BOOM.

I don't mean for this to be a venting, angry blog I don't.
Mostly because I can't make mine funny like Amylynne's.

But anyways.
Today was...is...ugh.
If not the worst day ever for me...it's been a big strong contender for the position.
It's at least been the worst day in a long while.

Im too frustrated to get details down but it's mainly to do with school and classes and not being able to take them.
It's like I was telling my mom.
I had this semester figured out. Totally figured out.
And then everything just kind of..fell apart the closer it got.

And I can't do anything about it.
It sucks.
And Im trying to be calm and just pray and let God handle it but I really don't get where my life is going right now.

I made plans and they erupted. But I can't move forward with my life and out of where I am with without at least plans.
I am deeply confused and annoyed.

Oi vey.